Navigating The Celebrity Migration onto content creators’ turf - THE INFLUENCER TREND REPORT
With traditional celebrities now muscling in on established ‘influencer’ content formats on YouTube and Twitch, what does that mean for the old divisions between the two groups, and how we might work with both within future influencer marketing?

Hot tubs, casinos, ASMR, and How to break Twitch in 80 days - The Influencer trend report
“Sexually suggestive content”, clever loopholes, gambling, and otters. The rapid rise of two distinct content types has flared up debate around the morality of Twitch, but can also teach us a lot about the streaming platform’s complex ecosystem and deeper culture.

Did Instagram’s Creator Week come too late for the health of the platform?
Is the love affair between Instagram and influencer marketers on the rocks? Not by a long chalk. But new data from Linquia suggests the relationship needs a little TLC.

Instagram’s not-so-new influencer marketplace can’t beat the human expertise of agencies
The human element is fundamental to the sustained success of the influencer marketing industry. We must be powered by data, but guided by insights, intellect, and instincts.

3 Instagram marketing predictions for 2021
You might be wondering what changes are in store for Instagram in 2021. While nothing is certain, we can make an educated guess at what is likely to happen.

Gamers left deflated by messy PS5 and Xbox Series X launch, but Series S ignites new excitement
The PS5 and Xbox Series X have been hamstrung by scalpers, stock shortages, and games that failed to sparkle. But audience sentiment data reveals the Series S is changing the way people look at new consoles.

Social media trends for 2021
Nobody could have foreseen the events of 2020 and how they would dictate a huge surge in social media activity and a new set of consumer behaviour trends. Here we take a look at our predictions for social media trends in 2021.

Brands: How to be authentic
But while ‘brand authenticity’ is one of the current industry buzzphrases, it isn’t a complex or groundbreaking idea. It’s simply a conscious decision to be more honest with customers and audiences.

The complete visual guide to The influencer marketing universe
350 influencer marketing agencies from around the globe, in one comprehensive who’s-who infographic guide to the industry.

How Sony broke records with its PS5 games reveal, while Xbox Series X struggled to maintain hype
Our study of the audience insights and content data around the next-gen console war finally sees PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X go toe-to-toe with their flagship games. Two line-ups, two very different outcomes.

How Sony won the early next-gen gaming race (and how Microsoft caught up fast)
With the next generation of console gaming launching soon, we’ve produced the definitive data study into PS5 vs. Xbox Series X, loaded with insights into the success (or not) of their marketing so far.

The first big Xbox Series X games have been revealed. Here's what we thought
Microsoft are shifting to ‘games first, hardware second’ strategy for next-gen gaming. So how compelling was that debut line-up?

The PS5 - and its first games - have now been revealed. Here’s what we think so far
Last night’s PS5 reveal was as big a deal as it gets in gaming, as the current console market leader laid the foundations of the hardware and software that will shape the next generation. So what did we think?

Influencer marketing is dead. Long live influencer marketing
Recent headlines would have us believe that influencer marketing is dead. The reality is an industry reporting exponential growth.