CASE STUDY Street Fighter 6

Capcom wanted influencer support for the launch of Street Fighter 6, promoting the core features and gameplay ethos that set it apart from other fighting games.
The campaign needed to welcome newcomers to the long-standing series, showcase the immersive storytelling innovations and unique mechanics of the game, and demystifying the often intimidating fighting-game genre to encourage up-take among new audiences beyond the series’ traditional core.
The Challenge
The campaign needed to show gamers it wasn’t just another entry of a long-running fighting series.
The mainstream tend to perceive most long-standing fighting game series as hardcore, competitive experiences for an established audience, unwelcoming to the uninitiated.
In addition to this genre-specific challenge, a high-numbered sequel in any kind of game series can compound the ‘missed the boat’ factor, leaving newcomers feeling left behind and unmotivated to engage.
Our Approach
Paid launch activations with 24 creators across YouTube and Twitch, with a specific and deliberate focus on the fun of the game’s brand new single-player story adventure mode. Mini-challenges and audience interaction explored the game with structure and accessibility, repositioning Street Fighter’s appeal for new audiences.
Through identification and outreach of appropriate new creators, we worked to demystify the series – and the genre – by exploring its gameplay from a different angle, making it relatable to wider action, adventure, variety, and ARPG audiences.
By re-establishing and refreshing the brand’s offering for new fans, the campaign reasserted the Street Fighter franchise as a mainstream favourite.
Viewer retention was especially high for channels that deviated from their regular content. The creator Strippin streamed for over 10 hours and retained 76% of their maximum audience throughout, while Fremily and Zoil saw over 95% of their audience stay for the entire stream.
49% of creators played the game again after the sponsorship had ended, adding many hours of organic gameplay content to the Street Fighter 6 launch.
Another creator went on to stream the game for over 150 hours throughout the extended launch month period.